10 Ways to Keep Passwords Safe from Hackers

Lately in Indonesia there has been a boom regarding a website which is one of the largest telephone service providers that has been hacked by hackers. Isn’t it really lazy if, for example, your website is hacked? Even large company-class websites have been hacked, let alone personal blogs? Well, one of the things that causes hackers to break into your site is because the passwords we use are easy to guess. How to make the password secure?

Did you know that hackers have a thousand ways to guess your password? There are even some hackers who are willing to wait one hour or two hours just to scan the target password? Don’t worry, we have 10 ways to keep my passwords safe! Check this out.

Always use a password of at least 8 characters

Most people think that the longer the password, the stronger and more difficult it is to guess. Hmm… that’s true, Friends of IDwebhost! If you have a long password, it will be more difficult for other people to guess it. But don’t take it too long, you might forget the password later. Try to use a password of at least 8-12 characters.

Yep, put two numbers at the beginning Lithuania Phone Number List of the password. This will also make your password secure and not easy to guess. Try not to sequence these two numbers. For example    and so on.

This is a mistake that most people often make. Namely using common words, nicknames, full names, user ID, or birthdays. This is often done because it is easy to memorize and to avoid forgetting the user’s password.

Never use simple combinations like

Phone Number List

Indeed, the simple one will certainly make it easier for us, friends! But you need to know that for passwords that have simple combinations, this will not make it easier, but it will also make it more difficult for yourself.

How come, why? By using simple combinations on the keyboard such as  your password will automatically be very easy for hackers to guess.

Tips on how to make the next secure password is never to use a date of birth. This mistake is also often made by some people, namely by using the date of birth as a personal account password.

The date of birth is a personal identity that is known by many people. Even when you are registering on a blog or website, you must definitely be Country List acomplete your date of birth. Well, of course other people will easily guess the password, dong. For this reason, don’t even try to create a password using your date of birth!


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