5 YEARS LGPD: A journey of awareness with Ana Paula Canto de Lima

Working in Digital Law and data protection, Ana Paula has a master’s degree from UFRPE.

How do you assess advances in privacy and data protection over the last five years?

Five years after the enactment of the LGPD, I have overseas data great progress. We are starting to talk about this topic. It is not yet something that is widely known by society as we would like, but we are gradually paving the way for this. We are doing well. Currently, there is a greater interest in the topic. We already have access to news articles providing information about privacy and data protection, showing flaws, leaks, data exposure, and even court decisions imposing heavy compensation in other countries that are more mature than ours. It is not happening as quickly as we would like. After all, privacy and data protection are about changing culture, and any change in culture is slow and requires a series of efforts.

What have been the main impacts of the LGPD over the last five years since its implementation?

I believe that the main impact what to watch if you want to “squeeze” the text the way citizens are starting to take care of their data. I noticed that many people have started to ask, “Why does this company want to collect my data?” “For how long?” etc. In addition, it is notable that there has been a considerable increase in complaints and reports on platforms such as “Reclame Aqui” and “Cadê meu dados?”. It is also important to highlight that there has been an increasing judicialization mentioning the LGPD. The data subject has also started to use administrative means to file complaints and requests to the ANPD and Procon.

What technological advances or emerging trends do you believe could significantly influence the implementation and ongoing compliance with the LGPD in the coming years?

The more technology advances, the more it is necessary to consider issues such as privacy and data protection. It is no longer possible to cmo email list about any project, system, program or prototype without considering these issues. Artificial intelligence will undoubtedly demand special attention from professionals. In addition to the regulations that need to be advanced, there is a need to evolve in relation to biases and standards, and in relation to security regarding the use of personal data. It is essential that there is a balance between the interests of developers and the interests of data subjects, in addition to robust protection.

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