I am not forcing anyone to choose

Otzovik is very pleasant to work with because you can leave comments in many areas: books, purchases, films, TV series. All this is paid. For example, other portals are more narrowly specializ and authors do not have such a huge choice.

In any case, this portal, I am simply voicing the advantages that I have notic during my work. If you find another, more convenient portal, I will definitely be happy for you and will be very grateful if you leave the resource address in the comments to the article.

How to withdraw funds?

Everything is quite simple here, initially funds are crit to the internal wallet of the system, and after that authors can withdraw funds to a webmoney wallet. From there you can make a withdrawal to your own card.

The registration procure on Otzovik and WebMoney is quite simple, and withdrawing funds is also not difficult.

Tips for Making Profit
Write useful reviews

Try to work not only on the bc data philippines quantity of reviews, but also on their quality. Really useful reviews are view much more often than template comments. This results in additional profit.

It is quite easy t anyone to choose o write useful reviews, even if you are writing about an unknown product or service. Before writing a comment, read the reviews of other users and highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the product, emphasize them. Add something from yourself and you will have a solid review.

Collaborate with other authors


As I already said, the anyone to choose amount of money earn depends on views. On the review site I had a lot of other authors as friends.

For what?

We agb directory collaborat – review each other’s written reviews, thus increasing the author’s profit and receiving the same in return. Such simple actions allow us to significantly increase the profit from the work.

This is where the anyone to breaking through the language barrier choose article ends, if you work taking into account my advice, you will be able to quickly reach a net profit of 15-17 thousand rubles. Some people manage to do this in a month, some authors ne a little more time, everything depends on the amount and quality of the work done.


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