When designing your digital marketing strategy for 2017, you can’t forget to include native advertising and content marketing in your plans. These two methods seek a non-invasive way of approaching the consumer and, far from the classic intrusive ads, they seek to create advertising that users want to consume. So that you can take advantage of them more than ever this year, today we are going to talk about the similarities and differences between content marketing and native advertising and see what are the best marketing practices to get the most out of them.
Native advertising and content marketing
Content marketing and native advertising: what are they?
As we have already mentioned, both are strategies that seek to reach users through content that is not overtly promotional and that is conveniently inserted into their browsing experience; in other words, they are adblock-proof advertising. But what are the differences between the two?
To quickly clarify the concepts
I like to say that native advertising is like dating, while Brazil Mobile Phone Numbers Database marketing is more like courtship .
With native advertising, we seek to integrate
A piece of content within a medium that aligns with our brand’s tone and objectives. The content will be perceived as “just another article” (or video, or infographic…) within the editorial line.
So, just like on a date, native advertising is our chance to impress . We choose the right restaurant, a nice wine, candlelight, and we put on our best clothes. The goal, of course, is to seduce the consumer… but the first date is only the beginning.
Content marketing
On the other hand, covers a much broader spectrum . It is not a single technique or a special occasion, but rather a series of resources with which we build a long-term relationship with consumers.
For example
Your content marketing strategy for the coming year Europe Cell Phone Number Example include publishing guest articles on other blogs, video interviews with relevant figures in your sector, infographics, case studies…
The goal is to gain the user’s trust and establish
Best marketing practices in native advertising and content marketing
Tag your content well
Not only will you make life easier for users and search engines, but you will also BTC Database US it easier for yourself when it comes to content curation.
Create content that integrates into users’ lives
The goal is for them to be able to share it with their contacts as part of their daily life, at work, at home.