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Within the health app market, there are different players with different interests and goals.

Understanding them is essential to be able to carry out strategies for developing and promoting health apps.

Therefore, in this article you will be able to learn about the 6 stakeholders that will shape the app market in the healthcare sector .

All data are from the mHealth

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The 6 stakeholders that will shape the app market in the healthcare


1) Health sector

This category includes pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, insurance Colombia Mobile Phone Numbers Database medical technology companies .

Despite the importance of their players, they only represent 3.4% of companies developing mobile health applications.

These are generally

The main objective of this stakeholder is to create awareness around their brand, product or pathology.

Despite the small number of developers, they are the ones that have publish the most mHealth applications to date, but the average number of downloads is low compar to their competitors.

They are also the

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2) Application experts

This category is mainly made up of small companies, with between 3 and 10 employees, dedicat to the creation of mobile applications .

They make up 14% of the players in this market.

The main goal of app experts is to tap into the huge potential of this sector by BTC Database US their knowledge of America Cell Phone Number Example design and development; they have a relatively small number of medical experts, but they know everything about the world of apps.


3) Solidarity

As in the previous case, this category is mainly made up of companies with between 3 and 10 employees.

It represents almost a third of the market

This type of business is not focus on revenue generation, which is only a minor factor; its primary motivation is to help others .



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