Computational thinking: what is it and how to apply it?

Computational thinking is a fundamental skill of this digital age in which we live. This way of thinking helps to solve problems in a logical and systematic way, being widely applicable in different areas of knowledge. Stay with me and learn more in this article! Thinking – what is it? Jeannette Wing , professor of computer science at Columbia University, in her article, which is considered a landmark in the definition and popularization of the concept of thinking, explains that Thinking is a way of solving problems, designing systems and understanding human behavior which is based on fundamental concepts of computer science. Still according to Jeannette, it is a skill for everyone and not just for computer scientists. It’s reformulating a seemingly difficult problem into one that we know how to solve, perhaps by reduction, embedding, transformation, or simulation. It’s interpreting code as data and data as code.

How to apply computational thinking?

Computational thinking requires: exploring and analyzing problems thoroughly in order to fully understand them. Using precise and detailed language to outline problems and solutions, and applying clear reasoning at every stage of the process. Furthermore, it encourages people to approach any Switzerland Phone Numbers problem systematically and to develop and articulate solutions. In terms simple enough to be executed by a computer – or another person. Thinking can be applied in several areas, from the development of software and systems to solving. Everyday problems in a more efficient and scalable way; mathematical problems and data analysis. Among others, contributing to the development of skills such as logic. Creativity and teamwork skills. thinking skills are increasingly critical for individuals and organizations as the use of computing becomes more central to all activities and innovations.

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According to the University of York Portal

As computers become more intelligent, rather than reducing the requirements of human understanding, they accelerate it. Unlocking increasingly insightful answers means driving the computer with new skills. A practical example of how to apply thinking is the process of solving a programming problem. In this process, it is necessary to Country List understand the logic behind the problem, identify the system’s inputs and outputs. Develop an algorithm that meets the requirements and, finally, test and adjust the solution. Thinking is divided into four pillars or key skills. Decomposition: process of breaking a problem or challenge, even a complex one, into small, manageable parts to facilitate its resolution. Pattern recognition: Also known as data and information visualization, pattern recognition involves analyzing information to find similar problems.

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