Although it sounds troublesome and you can actually create a cosmetic brand without having to register IPR, this legal protection can actually provide great benefits for your business. Starting from protecting the image of the company/business, simplifying the process of selling cosmetics, and providing added value to your cosmetic brand, so that it can reach the desired target market. In addition, you can also see the benefits of IPR for the following cosmetic brands! Protecting Assets from Piracy/Duplication Did you know that in general, IPR can be divided into two basic categories, namely Industrial Property Rights and Copyright? Yep, both have different applications and class ranges. Because, in general, Copyright is used to protect works/products of art, literature, and also science.
Trade secrets of a company
Meanwhile, industrial property rights are used to protect a business and all its components. Namely, including patent protection, trademarks, industrial designs, layout designs, and trade secrets of a company. Well, in the case of beauty brands, this Industrial Property Right will be used. Because by taking care of the IPR of cosmetic brands from the start will help protect the brand from piracy or duplication. Therefore, as a good cosmetic businessman, you should provide IPR protection for your Iraq Phone Number Data cosmetic brand. Thus, you can protect your cosmetic brand from the onslaught of competitors or big capital owners, as well as product pirates. Increasing Competition and Expanding Market Share The added value of IPR protection is its ability to increase competition and expand the market share of your cosmetic brand.
Few pirated cosmetic products
With IPR you can regulate and prohibit other parties from using your cosmetic brand IPR without legal authority. Thus, you can freely expand and play in the cosmetic business area to target the desired market. Increasing Consumer Confidence Consumer trust is something that is very important to gain, especially in the cosmetics industry. As you know, there are now quite a few pirated cosmetic products. That appear and seem to be sold freely on the market. In addition to causing losses to cosmetic Country List brand owners. This piracy can also cause serious health problems for consumers. Because it is not certain that the ingredients used in counterfeit skincare. Or cosmetics are safe and have gone through previous testing stages.