Top 5 Mobile App Business Analysis Tools

Functional Design Specification

Functional Design Specification (FDS) is a single document with all requirements and prototypes.

Most mobile development agencies deliver a ready FDS and finish their mobile app analysis here. In Velvetech, analysts stay active through all stages: design, development, and QA. After all, it’s business analysts who know the app even better than a client.

#7. Project Implementation Support

As we mentioned before, the business analyst role in mobile app development doesn’t end in the planning and analysis phases. Sometimes indirectly, they continue to participate in the process throughout the entire lifecycle, attending the meetings with stakeholders.

Whenever new requirements or any possible deviations appear, business analysts take an active role again. Engaging these or those development team members, they make adjustments to the project scope, help solve tech, functional, or communication issues, and ensure the results meet initial goals.

By testing early versions of the app; discussing each app iteration with the client and the team; by looking for inconsistencies in user experience, our business analysts control that we develop what the client requested.

Ready to build your app?

With these tools you can enhance the BA procedure and make it easy-to-perceive by your customers. We picked up the five best business analysis tools that help achieve the goals of prototyping, product knowledge retention, and, finally, communication.

1. Rational RequisitePro

Rational RequisitePro is one of the most powerful tools for managing project requirements. Its architecture supports a dynamic link between azerbaijan phone number data  requirement documents and a project database for powerful sort and query capabilities. Thus, it makes gathering and tracking the requirements easy for every business analyst.

2. Balsamiq

Balsamiq is an almost ideal prototyping tool. It gives ready-to-plug UI bits for iOS and Android. This tool for designing wireframes works well for both web and mobile prototypes. Balsamiq communicates the vision of the app to all stakeholders and keeps everyone engaged in the vital stages of its growth.

3. Microsoft Visio

Microsoft Visio works well for project management  i am not forcing anyone to choose and business modeling. It can also be used to build UML diagrams and create flowcharts. It is a perfect way to translate to coders how you expect an app to work.

4. Pencil

Pencil is another powerful and easy-to-use tool for decision modeling and creating mockups. It helps business analysts work on the final product’s look and feel and test real-world scenarios, delivering the idea to a customer and the entire project team.

5. Confluence and Jira

Confluence and Jira are robust collaboration tools. All knowledge about a mobile app — designs, test plans, requirements, etc. — is conveniently gathered and stored in Confluence.

It definitely adds to knowledge retention, but doesn’t stop here. Confluence and Jira are widely used to discuss the app’s status and the next steps. Besides, they perfectly integrate with each other, creating a space, where teams may easily track issues during various project stages.


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