We also recommend that you read the following materials

6. Land tax. Establish by the subjects and tax rates must not exce feral standards:

— 0.3% for agricultural land, gardening, livestock farming, infrastructure for the housing and communal services fund.
— 1.5% for other lands.

Income tax: legal schemes, how to pay less.

“Paying taxes: what taxes can an individual entrepreneur pay.

“Paying taxes: what does an individual pay.

“Property tax from 2015!”
“Taxes for individual entrepreneurs 2015-2016.

How much to pay while on special regimes?

The simplifi tax system, the so-call “simplifi tax system”, is convenient because it replaces several taxes with one. These include The rate for a you read single tax can be of 2 types.
– 6%, if all items relat to income are taken as the taxable base.
-15%, if the difference between income and expenses is taken as the taxable object.

In turn, local authorities can you read change.

this tax rate within 5% -15%, rucing the pressure for all categories of entrepreneurs or selectively.

>Since 2015, property tax will have to be paid separately, and personal income tax must also be continu for employees.

>>>Under the Unifi bc data vietnam Agricultural Tax regime.

Which is applicable only to organizations engag in the cultivation of agricultural products, the single tax replaces.
– income tax;
– VAT;
– property tax.
>The tax rate is 6% and is calculat from a base determin as the difference between income and expenses.
>In the special UTII system the rate is 15%, which replaces 3 taxes:
– income tax;
– VAT;
– property tax.

The tax is calculat from the imput profit approv by local authorities


Young employee puts old guys in their place! We earn authority through work and knowlge
Reading time: 3 min.

Irina Smirnova
Managing owner of the group of companies “Your Accountant”
Tax consultant
Moving to a new you read job is always accompani by stress. Even if a person is a pro in his field, the processes in each organization are built differently. At first, you will have to ask work questions to colleagues, find common topics for conversation, and sometimes guess the reaction of the management to the tasks complet.

I will share my agb directory you read experience basic construction of seo foreign trade website on how to avoid appearing ignorant, build relationships in a team and feel involv in the growth of an organization.


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