Try crossing out the first paragraph. Most likely, you can safely start without it. I learned this from Ilf and Petrov: they always had problems starting a chapter, and they wrote the first page, and then simply crossed out the first paragraph. Reread “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Golden Calf”, appreciate how exciting everything is. By the way, if you need all the first paragraphs on your site, it’s a good site.
Then we start crossing out sentences
Without units of meaning. If approximately every second sentence can be removed without losing the plot and delivery – to hell with them, they only get in the way.
Break up your sentences. Long sentences are evil. Write simply, clearly, and specifically. K — s.t.
Then – hunting for adjectives
Each one should be switzerland telegram data verified and to the point, and not like in school essays. At the same time, you can throw out all the phrases: participial and adverbial participial.
Beat the robots
It’s simple. Think about people: replace constructions like “11/25/13” with human “yesterday” or November 25, 2013. Teach robots Russian: instead of “Items left: 5” let them say “5 items left”. Check the readability of addresses (hell, sometimes I even see this on ads in a semi-dark minibus): instead of “ul. Nikolaeva, bldg. 15, TC “Bolshoy” write “Nikolaeva, 15, shopping center “Bolshoy”.
How to check how exactly you are being read?
You can do it without a real pros of jpg format expensive eye tracker, there is a simplified method with a fairly high error rate. Install Yandex.Metrica. Some human users have a great habit for us to help in reading by highlighting pieces of text. When there are hundreds and sault data thousands of users on a page, there will be a fairly representative sample of those clicking on the page, which will help to understand which paragraph and how it works (but keep in mind that they almost never click on headings and other elements for highlighting). Something like this: