10 PHP Security Scanner to Find Vulnerabilities

Php is a programming language that dominates around 80% of the web market. For example wordpress, joomla, laravel, drupal, etc. In using php it can be said to be safe, but there are vulnerabilities when using it with some of these platforms. After developing a complex website or web application, most of the developers and owners tend to focus on functionality, design, seo and thus forgetting the important components of security.

Here are some tools that we have summarize to help you perform a php security scan for the application you are about to launch.

Rips is one of the popular php static code analysis tools to integrate through the development cycle to find security issues in real time. You can categorize findings base on industry compliance and standards to prioritize improvements.

Let’s Take a Look at Some of the Following Features

Rips allows you to export scanne reports in a variety of formats pdf, csv and more using a restful api.

It is available as a self-manage and saas model. So choose what suits you.
Real-time static code analysis Belize Mobile Database engine to check for compliance, risk and reinforce best practices. Exakat got more than 450 analyzes deicate to php. There are framework specific analyzers like wordpress , cakephp, zend, etc.

If you have the php application code on github, then you can use their other public analyzers, you can choose to download or use cloud base online.

With the help of exakat, you can integrate perpetual security into your applications and the following.
Php malware finder (pmf) is a self hoste solution to help you find malicious code that may be in files. Known to detect dodgy encoders, obfuscators, web shellcode.

Pmf Makes Use of Yara So You Nee It as a Prerequisite for Running the Test

Cell Phone Number List

Sonarsource checks code against more than 140 rules, and also supports custom rules written in java. Security monitoring by symfony works with every php project using composer. This is a php security advisory database for known Country List vulnerabilities. You can use php cli, symfony cli, or web-base to check composer lock for any known issues with the libraries you are using in the project

Symfony also offers a security notification service. That means you can upload your composer. Lock file, and whenever in the future any library use turns out to be vulnerable, you’ll be notifie.

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