ASEAN prepares to formulate a response

 This leaves only 1 person left to work and cannot yet select a new one. This is because members are calling for WTO reform. Before preparing to make an appointment to break the deadlock at the Xiom meeting. Setting the ASEAN attitude to relieve the crisis. ASEAN prepares Mrs. Oramon Sapthaweetham Director-General of the Department

Your Guide to Attracting New Students

Nowadays, the enrollment journey starts online. This means that prospective students, parents, and other stakeholders are relying on online research to learn more about your school. By using  you can transform that moment into an opportunity to provide your prospects with more value—all while standing apart from your competition.   Understanding Inbound Marketing for Schools

Dental drill the dentists key tool

The dental drill or dental drill is one of the most used tools in the dentist’s office. If you are curious to know how this device works or since when it has been us, keep reading, because below we will tell you all the secrets of the dentist’s drill. When was the dental drill created?

Managing dental clinics with payment plans

Dental clinics with payment plans are becoming more common. In most treatments, it is the patient who must face the cost, therefore, dental centers offer their patients personalized plans, with which they can finance or pay in installments for their treatments. At Clinic Cloud we have developed a specific financial tool, with which dental clinics

Anamnesis of a patient diagnosis and digitization

History is a key factor in clinical patient care. Having digitized medical records allows you to include unlimited health information, work with personalized profiles and carry out consultations from any device, without the need for physical space. The anamnesis is a record of clinical data, which allows health professionals to carry out health diagnoses. The

How to make the best dental budget for your patients

Budgeting for dental treatment can be very complex. This type of medical process can be linked to long processes, which depend on the patient’s own evolution, which is why it is important to work with appropriate tools, specifically develop to budget for this type of treatment. Below we analyze how to make a dental budget,

What parts should a quality dental clinic have

If you are thinking about opening a dental clinic at some point in the future. You must be clear about everything the practice needs to function correctly. In this post we tell you what the parts of a dental clinic are, that is, how the space of the premises in which. You are going to

What are braces and what effect do they have on orthodontics

Braces are a basic procedure in dentistry, it is important to know what braces are, how they act on our teeth and what is the medical procedure we carry out when we use orthodontics of this type. What are braces Braces are metal plates that adhere to the teeth. Each bracket has specific information for

Multiclinic software for companies with several medical centers

One of the main advantages of Clinic Cloud is that it can be adapt to multi-clinic centers, maintaining a standard with which you can work in several health centers. More and more companies have more than one healthcare space; multi-clinic software such as Clinic Cloud allows you to work with a single system, in which

The advantages of the digital health record

Having a digital record is an advantage for all types of medical offices. Traditionally, both records and other files referring to patients had an analogue medium, usually paper, which made both consultation and the transfer of information difficult. Digital media applied to records have made it possible to include the advantages of online media in

Can a patient request their digital medical history

When hiring the services of cloud medical software, certain aspects must be taken into account about the elements that will make up our clinic management program. In this post, we are going to talk about a file as important as the digital medical history. Can a patient request medical history online? The answer is yes:

What is telemedicine definition and types

Telemedicine is a term that is becoming increasingly popular in hospitals and health centers. But what is telemedicine? In this post we analyze the definition of telemedicine to understand. What exactly it consists of and then we review the types of telemedicine that exist today. Definition of telemedicine According to, the official US government