Budgeting for dental treatment can be very complex. This type of medical process can be linked to long processes, which depend on the patient’s own evolution, which is why it is important to work with appropriate tools, specifically develop to budget for this type of treatment.
Below we analyze how to make a dental budget, and the keys that Clinic Cloud’s financial software for dental clinics offers you.
What we know as a dental budget is a document that establishes the cost by items and the total cost of a dental treatment.
A budget represents a written commitment, therefore, it is important that the clinic has the necessary tools to effectively determine the amount of each budget, integrating this data into the general accounting.
The conditions of budgets in dental clinics
Before analyzing the content of a budget, it is important to determine some preconditions.
The estimate is delivered in writing to the call lists patient, either through analog support or through digital means. The budget not only includes the final amount, it is important that the clinic specify each item and its price.
The preparation of the estimate is free, in no case can it imply a charge or a commitment of any other type for the patient. The financing conditions, if any, must also be reflect in the budget.
How to make a dental budget step by step
To evaluate how to make a dental budget, it is necessary to analyze its content. The following are the sections that make up a dental budget.
Clinic data should be included in all quotes. The name, address, contact information and NIF/CIF are important to determine that the document belongs to the issuing clinic.
The importance of including payment plans in the budget
Payment plans and financing plans established by the company should be part of the budget. Many dental clinics offer discounts or financing that influence the final price of their services. These variations with respect to the initial price must also be includ in the document that includes the budget and broken down according to each service.
Digitized budgets with Clinic Cloud
Clinic Cloud is a dental software that includes healthcare functions and financial modules. Regarding financial management, Clinic Cloud allows you to generate personalized budgets automatically, registering them in a secure digital medium.
With Clinic Cloud you have a payment plan Country List manager, with which you can easily determine all the budgets of your clinic. In addition, the digital system avoids accounting errors that can affect your budget estimates.
All of your clinic’s financial information is stor in the cloud, a secure online space to which only you will have access. In addition, both budgets and the rest of your financial documents have duplicates for greater security.