
What are braces and what effect do they have on orthodontics

Braces are a basic procedure in dentistry, it is important to know what braces are, how they act on our teeth and what is the medical procedure we carry out when we use orthodontics of this type.

What are braces
Braces are metal plates that adhere to the teeth. Each bracket has specific information for each tooth, which causes a displacement due to the pressure exerted by the orthodontic arches.
It is important to adapt the position of the brackets throughout the treatment, to ensure that each tooth moves appropriately.
The process of moving the piece is based on the pressure exerted by the arch through the connection with the bracket.

The advantage of braces is that, without the need for surgery, a movement is generat that cancels the tooth’s tendency. Another advantage is that the bone tissue attached to the mouth adapts to this type of treatment and therefore, people of any age can undergo orthodontics successfully.

How do we get the bracket to move the tooth

The direct method includes the adhesion of each bracket one by one, while the indirect process begins with taking a plaster model to which the cell phone number list bracket is attach. Depending on its position a transparent splint is developed, which allows influencing the all teeth based on a single piece.

One of the main concerns of patients who undergo this type of treatment is the impact on aesthetics. Traditional braces are visible and can generate a feeling of rejection in people who want to preserve the aesthetics of their mouth. Currently, there is the possibility of opting for invisible braces.
What we know as invisible braces are actually lingual braces. The advantage of this orthodontic is that it is located in the back of the tooth, and therefore it is impossible to perceive its position. The front part is free and it is in the back part where we exert pressure to move the tooth.

Bracket revisions and corrections

A relevant issue about braces treatments is periodic check-ups. The treatment usually lasts between 12 and 24 months, during which time the specialist reviews the effect of the braces on each tooth, rectifying its position whenever necessary.

The dentist may recomme the use of temporary internal rubber bands that can be put on and taken off, what we are looking for is to exert a different force than that generat by the arches.

The action of the braces depends in part on the rectification carried out by the specialist during check-ups. Regarding the patient’s responsibility, it is important that Country List  orthodontics be properly sanitiz at least after each meal. Special orthodontic brushes and irrigators allow you to maintain adequate hygiene on a daily basis, improving the results of your braces.

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