This leaves only 1 person left to work and cannot yet select a new one. This is because members are calling for WTO reform. Before preparing to make an appointment to break the deadlock at the Xiom meeting. Setting the ASEAN attitude to relieve the crisis. ASEAN prepares Mrs. Oramon Sapthaweetham Director-General of the Department of International Trade Negotiations. Recently revealed that Thailand, as Chairman of ASEAN, has consulted with the ASEAN Secretariat. And the World Trade Organization (WTO) about organizing an academic seminar on WTO reform, ASEAN perspectives Currently. ASEAN is concerned about what direction the WTO.

Dispute settlement mechanism 

The future after the WTO is still unable to select members of the Appellate Body. Which will have 6 vacant positions out of 7. And there will be only one working position left. Within December of this year “It is a matter of concern. Because of the current international trade tensions In which each country has used many trade protection measures (NTB). The Phone Number List trade dispute settlement mechanism, which is the heart of the WTO, is about to stop working. Because of the 7 positions of members of the Appeals Organization, 4 of them have expired. Another 2 positions will expire in December 2019. Including 5 cases against the United States. 4 cases against the European Union, and the rest against other developing countries.

ASEAN economic officials (CEOM)

This leaves only 1 person left to work. Therefore, if a successor cannot be selected, the WTO will not be able to consider any complaints. Because Country List the elements are not enough.” Mrs. Oramon said. ASEAN, as all 10 member countries are also WTO members. Agreed to raise this matter for further discussion at the meeting of senior  that will be held during the period. Early April 2019 to find a common position among ASEAN on WASEAN prepares TO reform. And to play ASEAN’s role in resolving the organization’s crisis. And maintain the importance of the multilateral trading system. WTO principles of free, fair and non-discriminatory trade. “The reason why the Appellate Body members have not yet been selected. 

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