lie in the philosophical foundations of Western Civilization. This foundation consists of: The supremacy of reason and science that was proposed by the age of enlightenment ( The age of enlightenment and reason ). The separation between the church and the state administration (or secularism) and its impact on the act of setting aside religion from playing an active role in society.

The pursuit of materialism as a means and end goal is used in the capitalist system, which began during the Industrial Revolution. By understanding the origins of this foundation

Allows us to understand how the modern science of productivity spread

When the Age of Enlightenment Emerged in the Database Mid-17th and Early 18th Centuries. Its Main Focus Was to Invalidate All Ideas That Could Not Be Proven by Science.

This Matter is Also Clouded Again by the Relationship. Of the West Which is Not Happy With the Position of the Church and Religion. Western Intellectuals Are Convinced That in Order to Make Mankind Progress and Develop. Religion and Spirituality Should Be Set Aside. So That People Can Use Their Intellect for Economic and Social Progress.

This Newly Found ‘freedom’ is What Has Led to the Rise of the Modern. State and Capitalism. Productivity Later Became a Separate Science. Starting With Frederick Winslow Taylor (1865 – 1915) Who Was Probably. The First Figure in Management Science.

He was obsessed with how to develop human efficiency by documenting


Ways to improve productivity and extract more output Country List from workers in factories. This is then followed by focusing on organizational productivity, as well as how structures and systems can be upgraded for efficiency. However, In the 1980s to 2000, technological progress occurred rapidly.

Now, We Live in a Phase Where the Focus is on Improving. Human Productivity: First, Understand Humans Physically. Emotionally, and Neurologically; and Both. Study Various Ways to Develop Human Potential and Productivity. Using Artificial Intelligence ( Artificial Intelligence ) and Robots. So far, all this progress seems positive for the community.

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