We need new things but also advice feedback to better

This association brings together commercial managers. And business leaders to develop its expertise. Strengthen its professional know-how. And its network, spread across the entire territory within 75 associations. In our profoundly changing contextlet. It be said, all marketing managers follow various indicators. To analyze the performance and relevance of their actions. Very often, we seek

Balance in Our Live The origins of modern

lie in the philosophical foundations of Western Civilization. This foundation consists of: The supremacy of reason and science that was proposed by the age of enlightenment ( The age of enlightenment and reason ). The separation between the church and the state administration (or secularism) and its impact on the act of setting aside religion

What is the bounce rate of a website

When we have a website, we have access to many statistics. Among these statistics, we can find the bounce rate. This is a statistic that often generates as much confusion as it does questions. Is a bounce rate close to 100% a good or bad sign? Is this a superfluous stat that it is okay

Ways to Limit Your Bounce Rate

Bounce rate simply means that visitors viewed a page and then left without going to any other page on the website. But this number does not provide any information about visitors interactions with the page viewed. When your content isn’t clear to your visitors or doesn’t interest them, your bounce rate should be high. However,

Improve Your Off-site Seo

Search engines like Google and Bing look for sites that match searches but are also trustworthy. Focusing on off-site SEO will improve the user experience but also the perception of your site by search engines. Concretely, it is about creating links from a site with a good reputation to yours. When sites with a good

Elementor Free or Pro is It Worth It

Trying to build your site on your own and wondering if Elementor is the builder for you? We give you our feelings, we, who work every day with and who write this article using Elementor. This is not a sponsored article but contains an affiliate link. We will give the strengths and weaknesses of the

Types of Promising Online Businesses for Beginners and How to Get Started

For those of you who want to start a business but are about what .To sell or how to start, there are many types of promising online businesses that are suitable for beginners and you can try. The type of online business itself is very broad. There are those who sell on social media, there

What is People’s Business Credit MSME Entrepreneurs Must Know

People’s Business Credit (KUR) is a type of credit given by banks to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. The aim of KUR is to help SMEs grow their business, by providing access to the financial resources to purchase equipment, expand operations, or develop new products or services. download the bookshop application The KUR

Digital Marketing the Best Strategies in 2021

Whether it is to initiate a change of course in business, boost sales, increase traffic to a merchant site, etc. Digital marketing has proven to be a very effective means of obtaining measurable results. There are many different strategies that can be implemented for this purpose. Their choice depends on various parameters such as the

How to Launch a Good Digital Marketing Campaign

Digital marketing is a real lever for the growth and development of organizations. The proof is that well-executed campaigns have always boosted the visibility of companies. That of their products, and of course the financial results. Unfortunately, many companies are still lagging behind in this area and are struggling to find the means for a

Digital Marketing Should We Take Advantage of This Opportunity

According to several studies, Belgians spend more than 5 hours a day or 35 hours a week online, connected to their various devices. In general, they connect to be informed daily on the news, then to consult their various social networks. Finally, they regularly consult their instant messaging. Digital terminals are therefore at the heart

Differences in Marketing and Sales Concepts Based on Their Functions

Even though they are different, there are still many people who think marketing and sales are the same. Sales and marketing divisions often experience misconceptions and are often considered the same, both in terms of functions and work assignments. Not only that, when viewed in terms of the concept, of course, marketing and sales are very different. In