Even though they are different, there are still many people who think marketing and sales are the same. Sales and marketing divisions often experience misconceptions and are often considered the same, both in terms of functions and work assignments. Not only that, when viewed in terms of the concept, of course, marketing and sales are very different. In a company, marketing and sales are part of the company’s strategy to achieve targets. But the concept is very different even though there are still people who think the concept is the same. Before explaining the concept, let’s explain more about what is sales and what is marketing.

Marketing is a strategy implementation activity carried out by the system. While sales are part of a company whose activities are selling, ensuring visible and invisible products so that they can be accepted by consumers.

Guide to Implementing a Sales Funnel for Business

With this brief explanation , of course it can be understood that the two are indeed different. It will also make it easier to get into the next point, which Chinese Europe Phone Number List is about the concept between marketing and sales. Why is concept so important? Because it can also be said to be one of the tricks in marketing a product.

In the world of marketing, of course, we have to understand many concepts. Just like the concept of selling or being able to sell goods. Those of you Business Owner Phone Numbers List who work as sales and marketing must also understand the concepts that will be implemented. A marketing profession must know that they should not use the sales concept and vice versa. Both marketing and sales must have a concept. Concept is an abstract and general representation of something that aims to explain an object, idea, or event.

The marketing concept must include 

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The price quoted on the actual product is the responsibility of sales. They will be in direct contact with the production team. Nevertheless, marketing must also contribute to providing price offers that are adjusted to market commodities.

Even though they have different concepts, sales and marketing must work together in selling products. The point is indeed to sell products, it’s just that the method is different, but the goal remains the same. That’s how marketing and sales carry out their concept. Lots of differences, right? By looking at it from a conceptual perspective, you can be Country List a already tell the difference between marketing and sales.

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