Purchasing quality video production equipment can be very expensive. Cameras alone can cost you five figures. However, having the right equipment is a prerequisite for good videos. You can hire a third-party team to shoot your video for a price (which will still not be very cheap) if you only plan to shoot a few videos. In case you wish to produce a lot more video content, then invest in the equipment. Thankfully, these days intelligent phones offer professional-grade cameras and audio quality which can help you save a lot of money. Other equipment and tools to pay particular attention to include good lighting, video editing softwares, and background setting.

Edit smartly

The entirety of your video is dependent on the quality of your editing. So pay extra attention dur Telegraph Number Data ing this step. Get proper video editing softwares. If you are not super confident at it, get a professional editor to do it for you. A general rule for video shooting is to shoot more footage than you think you need and later remove the unnecessary bits accordingly. This way you won’t risk losing any content. A good video length is known to be between 6 to 15 mins. However, you can adjust the length accordingly. And lastly, annotate and time stamp the sections in the video.

Gamify your videos
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For an extra layer of learner interaction. gamify your videos by including quizzes and assessments. You can even include dialogue simulations and create breakout sessions at the end or during the video. A great way of incorporating gamification in videos is via the ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ interactive video format where people can select the direction of the video. Show the speaker Oftentimes, people don’t focus enough on including the speaker’s persona as part of the eLearning videos. Especially when making animations or narrated slides. Avoid this and make sure to show the speaker. It will help your audience connect better as an emoti Country List onal response. You can design your animations or slides in such a way that there is a section on the screen where the presenter is visible to the learners.

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