Many people are looking for ways to create a free website. You may be one of them and luckily you are not in the wrong place. This article will help you create a website easily, cheaply, and quickly.

Websites can indeed make whatever you do look more convincing. Whether you are a freelance photographer, graphic designer, article writer or blogger, entrepreneur, to a culinary businessman. Websites can make you more serious, and professional.
By determining the right type of website, you will have an idea of ​​what kind of website concept you will build. This is very important because it will affect the selection of web hosting packages, domains and themes that you will use.

There Are Many Types of Websites That You Can Choose From

There are many platforms for building websites, but according to statistics, the most used is wordpress with more than 30% usage worldwide.

With wordpress, you can easily create a website without having to master programming. You only need to click installation once Argentina Mobile Number List enter a name, website description, and choose a template, your website can already be used and accessed via the internet.
Enter your username and password, after that you will be redirected to the wordpress dashboard page.
On this dashboard you can start changing settings, publishing content, creating pages, adding plugins, and so on.

To change the theme, open the wordpress dashboard then click the appearance menu > themes > add new. Of course there are many choices of wordpress themes, make sure you choose an original and seo friendly theme. And make sure you don’t use pirated themes so as not to harm the website. You can also upload themes from third parties using the upload theme feature in the form of a zip file.

How to Plan Your Profitable Website for Absolutely Free

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Pages that can be accessed by users and search engines, its function is to provide instructions to users and search engines regarding all accessible pages on the website. There are several ways to create a sitemap, namely using yoast seo and an xml sitemap.

Permalinks favored by google contain titles or keywords. Then, a shorter permalink will provide even better performance. I recommend Country List that you determine the permalink using the post name so that the keywords are more easily seen when your website is displayed by google. You can change permalinks through the wordpress dashboard. Please select the settings menu permalinks. Then select the post name radio button and click the save changes button to save changes.

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