
Ignore the ads because they are viewed as an intrusion.

Bid Vertiser supports multiple ad formats, including banners, skyscrapers, rectangles, and others. Also, publishers can use the provided point-and-click tool to customize the layout of these units to match their website’s look. Their bidding system ensures that publishers always get the highest possible revenue from each ad unit. Using the reporting interface, publishers can easily monitor their ad performance, clicks.

EMX formerly called Real  Ignore the ads Time, is an ad advertising network.

Click-through rate, and the total amount they’ve earned. Model: CPM, CPC Minimum traffic: None Read more: Bidvertiser Review 14. Vibrant Media vibrant media Vibrant Media offers Better-Ads and Chrome filter-friendly ad formats such as in-text, in-image, lightbox, storyboard, mosaic, and brand canvas in addition to the standard IAB display ad units. Depending on the needs, publishers can new database  choose to use Vibrant Media as their primary display ad network or can employ their native ad solutions to increase revenue without changing their existing ad configuration. As a result, the ads are responsive and can be delivered across multiple platforms seamlessly. Model: CPM, CPC Minimum traffic: None 15. VerizonMedia verizon media ad network Known as Oath, the advertising company until January 2019, Verizon Media provides publishers with access to advertisers and ad server technology solutions, currently serving over 1000 direct publishers. T

new database

That caters to both publishers and advertisers.

Their solutions allow publishers to choose from header bidding solutions to traditional publisher waterfall setups to attain premium demand for ad inventories. In addition, publishers Country List  are offered brand safety controls and seamlessly integrable tools to manage ad inventory. The ad formats they support include display, mobile, native, and video ad inventories. Model: CPM, CPC, CPA Minimum traffic: 300,000  monthly impressions 16. Epom Market EpomMarket ad network Epom Market is a cross-platform ad network associated

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