Instagram begins to search for the corresponding keyword among the username. Captions. Bio and geotags in its database . It is clear that seo activities are fundamental to improving your positioning and being found at the right time by the right person.Instagram does not require complex seo application strategies. But it is good to know and work on a few. But good. Elements that can directly influence the visibility of the account and therefore its success.Username and username Instagram begins to search for the corresponding
An optimization process that improves the performance
An optimization process that improves the new database performance of an instagram profile can only start from basic information. It is essential. Therefore. To give a name that defines the company. Activity or page . The keywords to be us must be relevant not only to the identity of the profile. But also to the sector in which it operates. To the topics cover on the page or to the qualification held. In the case of a freelancer.Identifying and inserting the keyword of your business or brand in the top positions of the profile is the starting point for obtaining more visibility.
This section represents a concise but effective
This section represents a concise but effective CN Leads presentation of your profile. In which you explain your activity in more detail without neglecting the use of secondary and relat keywords. The objective is not only to be found but to inform the user and respond to his nes. The bio only has 150 characters . A short but incisive description is necessary .CaptionAll the contents. Design and creat to be publish in the profiles. However different they may seem. Are link to the same macro-topic. Each image. Video or reel must be accompani by well-structur text at seo level .