The javascript dom ( document object model ) is an interface that allows developers to manipulate the content, structure and style of a website. If you want to dive deeper into the dom and how you can manipulate it using javascript, here’s a basic reference according to gabriel tanner .

Definition of dom
At the most basic level, websites consist of html and css documents. The browser creates a representation of the document known as the document object model (dom). This document allows javascript to access and manipulate website elements and styles . This model is built in the object structure and defines:

The Above Elements Are Referred to as Nodes

Not only elements get nodes but element and text attributes also get their own nodes , namely attribute-node and text-node .

Dom documents
The dom document is the Estonia Mobile Number List entire object on your web page. If you want to access any object on your web page, you should always start with the document. Because there are many important properties and methods that you can use to access and modify your website.

How to get html elements
Gets the element by id
The getelementbyid() method is used to get a single element by its id. Let’s look at an example:

Var title = document.Getelementbyid(‘header-title’);
Here we get element with id header-title and store it into variable.

Gets the element by class name
We can also get more than one object by using the getelementsbyclassname() method .

Here We Get All Items With Class List Items and Store Them Into a Variable

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Gets the element by tag name
We can also get our element by tag name using the getelementsbytagname () method .

Var listitems document. Getelementsbytagname(‘li’);
Here we get all the li elements Country List from our html document and store them into a variable.

Query selector
The queryselector() method returns the first element that matches the specified css selector . That means that you can get elements with id, class, tag and all valid css selectors . Here is a list of some of the most popular options.

We can also get more specific elements using the css selector .

In this example we search for both the tag and the class together and return the first element passed through the css selector.

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