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 However. a person’s abilities. knowlege and skills are not common to everyone. And in the same way that we are not all good at restoring a table so that it looks beautiful in our living room. not everyone can create a website from scratch. To this last statement. names like Wix. Jimdo or Webnode may come to mind. If you are really looking for how to make a website for companies. I advise you to avoid them. banner web design The Wix dilemma. what is wix? When I go to YouTube. the first or second ad that appears among the videos I watch is from Wix.

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 In this ad. Luisito tells me how wonderful and how easy it has been for him to create a website in Wix. in a couple of clicks and without neeing to know about web development . Come on. it ruins an entire degree or master’s degree and Mexico Telegram Number Data gives you an infinite number of possibilities with which to create a wonderful company website. wix However. if you take a look at other articles on web design and stop to read expert opinions. you may come to the conclusion that it is not the best option. much less for creating a corporate website. Wix is ​​presente as a cloud-base web development platform through different modules and pre-establishe templates that guarantee the possibility of creating a site adding different formats and functionalities.

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 But its greatest advantage is that you do not nee to have technical knowlege to create a website from scratch. Although the resulting Vietnam Telegram Number List website is not as acceptable as what can be achieve with WordPress or other CMS. So Jimdo. Webnode. 1and1… aren’t they good tools for making pages? In addition to Wix. we can find very similar platforms to create web pages in a simple way and for all audiences. Jimdo. Webnode or 1and1 also promise the possibility of creating a website for any type of company in the shortest time possible. However. one of the most negative aspects that is usually highlighte about this type of platforms is the lack of possibilities to carry out SEO optimization of the website.

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