One of the most important procedures in a medical office are work shifts. The organization of the teams is essential, both to offer patients an adequate service and to guarantee adequate working conditions. Having a program for medical shifts avoids duplication, lack of personnel and reduces the possibilities of generating errors in rotations.

Clinic Cloud incorporates different tools aimed at managing shifts. The program for medical appointments incorporates both personal agendas and shared agendas in which we can establish monthly and weekly appointments, both by department and in general.

The keys to correct shift management

One of the most complex, and at the same time most important, tasks regarding the organization of the healthcare space is shift management. To effectively determine telephone list shifts in a healthcare space, it is important to follow the following recommendations.

You cannot work more than 2 weeks in a row on the night shift, unless the worker himself agrees to work on this schedule voluntarily.
No shift may be left unfilled, regardless of schedule or circumstances.
At least 12 hours must pass between the end of one shift and the beginning of the next.
Every day of more than 6 hours must include a rest period.
It is mandatory that shift schedules be communicated in advance to all workers.

Management of medical shifts through the use of software

Incorporating shift management software makes schedule management easier. Clinic Cloud not only allows you to establish rotations, it also offers you many more advantages.

Clinic Cloud has automated notifications, which allow you to create personalized notices for each profile.
Alerts allow you to detect duplications or empty shifts, as well as other warnings if other errors occur during the organization of shifts.
Clinic Cloud allows authorized people to edit appointments from any device with an internet connection.
Work shifts are part of the confidential Country List information related to the company, Clinic Cloud has security processes that prevent unauthorized access, in addition to having duplicates.
With Clinic Cloud, employees can generate instant feedback, set alerts or send messages if they perceive any errors in the organization of shifts.

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