processes over 3.5 billion searches per day on average. There are around 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide. Stepping into the year 2019. There is something you can’t ignore if you want to thrive in this ever competitive searches environment. Let’s get your website boost up and start making meaningful traffic and translate it into sales. Today we concluded 8 key points you could do to enhance your website traffic.

Prepare for voice search in the year 2019. There is some significant growth in voice search since the year 2016, while the traditional search application remains strong. We predict that voice search traffic is going to become one of the main traffic sources for website very soon. Voice search is a search behavior based on questions and answers. The very 1st thing to do in 2019. Get ready your website with voice search, and staying ahead from your competitors.

Google My Business

The Google My Business listing usually appear when you perform the voice search or local search intent. Google local Snippet result is featured before phone lists free organic search result. Which mean People saw the Google My Business listing 1stLocal listing is a must for any business today. An accurate and updated local listing plays an integral role in local SEO and you are helping with ranking your site with Google in the local search world. The chances of your business listing show up is also strongly co-related to your website content. If the keywords people searching is there on the website, the chances of your listing show-up are also increasing.
How could you ignore YouTube when it can generate you handsome traffic? Experts have proven that over 40% of the people respond better to visual representations in comparison to text-based information.

Website Speed & Performance

Google penalize the slow loading website. However, Google did not indicate they will reward the fast loading website. But 53% of people will leave a web page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. A slow loading website will push the users away and you are forcing them to visit your competitor’s website. One of the ways to improve the website’s speed is using the content delivery network. In case you’re not sure what is it, check out here: What is the content delivery network And, fortunate enough we can utilize the FREE CDN such as Cloudflare.

You can’t just rely on one medium nowadays. Don’t get me wrong, organic traffic & paid search is great… However, If you have several social Country List media channels which build around based on your website will be an added advantage. Social signals refer to a website’s collective shares, likes and overall social media visibility as perceived by search engines.

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