Landing page is a special page that is the destination of the user and contains more detaile and specific information. Example: special pages about products, services , offers, etc. When you are still confuse about determining an effective marketing strategy, the solution could be a landing page. Landing pages can help you to make more money with just an online store website.

Landing page has the meaning of landing, namely landing and page is a page, in general it is a page on a website that is specifically designe with a marketing strategy. This page can appear if a visitor clicks on a particular link.

You Usually See the Shape of the Website Page

If that page is the first time a visitor encounters it, then it is a landing page. Even though they are on the same website, landing pages Australia Mobile Database are create separately. This aims to “Get away” from links or other menus that can distract the user from the main goal of the landing page.

The conclusion is, a good landing page is a landing page that is oriente to the action that the user will take and the achievement of conversions. So that the landing page can be a strategy where the customer will be at the crossroads to buy or not buy your product. So that was the understanding of what a landing page is.

Landing Pages Have 2 Types Namely Landing Page Lead Generation

Cell Phone Number List

Usually this type of landing page is use to get contact data such as names and emails with inducements in the form of free ebooks , free courses, events , discounts, and so on.

For example, like the picture above Country List landing page lead generation gives inducement to get an ebook .

Landing pages click through
A click-through landing page is a page that does not attach a form, but only a cta button that is connecte to the outside. Such as whatsapp chat, email, website or other external platforms. This type is usually use by online shops.

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