Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of telemedicine is key to implementing this type of telematic processes in the health sector. The pandemic has accelerated the use and development of telemedicine at all levels, from the most complex processes to basic primary care. To obtain the best results, it is essential to have adequate technical equipment and know all the functions it offers. this health care system.

Clinic Cloud is excellent support for work related to medicine. In addition to offering all kinds of digital functions for the day-to-day life of healthcare workers, it also integrates software for telemedicine work, which allows you to stay in touch with all your patients using telematic methods.

Next, we are going to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of telemedicine and its application today.

Online access to patient information

Telemedicine is much more than the possibility of carrying out consultations without being present, it also integrates other tasks such as the list of phone number digitization of files. Online records are accessible from any device with an internet connection, also avoiding the need to install physical spaces for storing paper files.

During a telemedicine consultation, you can consult the history and add the necessary information.

Remote care
One of the main advantages of medicine is that it offers the possibility of offering health consultation services without the need to travel. In circumstances such as those we have experienced in recent years, in which it was not possible to attend medical centers in person, or in other situations in which, for various reasons, the patient cannot attend the health center, telemedicine offers a reliable alternative.

Availability of results and statistics

Many clinics improve their services based on the opinions of their patients and the results of their healthcare work. The digitalization of healthcare allows us to generate a large amount of statistics and transform them into accurate information, with which we can improve our performance.

The disadvantages of telemedicine

Telemedicine is very effective in the majority of consultations that are carried out, however, there are health aspects for which it is essential that the patient be present.

Treatments or in-depth check-ups must be carried out through an in-person examination, with which we can evaluate the patient’s health status and issue a comprehensive diagnosis.

Regarding the need for investment, it is true Country List that to have an adequate telemedicine service it is essential to invest in both technological devices and software; however, this investment has an immediate return, and therefore we will be able to amortize the resources allocated. to these equipment immediately.

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