Email marketing is a key component of most successful marketing programs. Full-featured email marketing software will help you not only execute compelling campaigns, but enhance and improve after each send. Features—Look for features such as customizable email templates, easy-to-use email design, and mailing list management. Most software also includes a variety of post-campaign reports. Analytics—What kind of analysis and reporting is offered? How much can you track, how much is tracked automatically, and how easy is it to view the data?

What is email marketing software?

Email marketing software is a type of online platform marketers use to not only conduct their email marketing campaigns, but monitor how successful they are. The best email marketing software does more than simply send emails. Marketers use email China phone number data marketing software to generate and segment contact lists, design email content, and analyze campaign results. When you’re choosing email marketing software, you need to take into account both what the software offers and your specific needs. Consider these factors:

What is the best email marketing software?

Phone Number List

Integration—Can you easily connect the email marketing software with your existing CRM, retail store, or accounting platforms? Ease of use—How long will it take you to learn? It shouldn’t take you long to complete a campaign, and you definitely shouldn’t feel a sense of dread at logging in. Support—If you need help, what kind of customer support is available? If email marketing is essential to you, you need a platform that offers robust features in an approachable form. Marketers agree that the following companies offer the best email marketing software today.

Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is among the most popular email platforms. It offers robust list management and customer segmentation, reporting and analysis, as well as marketing automation. You also get mobile-ready email templates that can be customized in minutes using the drag-and-drop email builder. Campaign Monitor also provides built-in design testing, and integrations with hundreds of apps. In addition, the platform has rich reporting capabilities and the ability to create personalized customer journeys.

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