In the field of work as a developer or developer, there are many topics that are important to learn. Among them are topics on algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and so on. However, there are some things that may not be taught in computer science schools and similar courses.

Here are tools and skills that are not taught in school and will make a big difference when you want to become a web developer or data scientist according to vinicius marchesin araujo.

Git is source control manager or scm. In other words, you can work on different versions of your code using this tool . In addition, you can also work individually or work with many people on the same project. Because you can store your code in the cloud for free.

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If you are working in a team and have never used git before, you can learn to use learngitbranching. You can learn the basics of git in less than a day through that visual canvas, but you’ll be learning powerful new commands for a long time.

This is one of the most underrated Germany Mobile Number List soft skills. Most developers are so focused on the technological aspect of their work that they often forget that to achieve great things they have to work with other people.

There are many things that need to be improved when it comes to communication. Vinicius said that developers need to learn how to convey and explain problems correctly. This is very important because you will end up asking someone for help. And to receive proper help, you must first define the problem.

Your Co Workers Are Probably Just as Busy as You Are and They

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Don’t bomb them with questions but give them an introduction before asking for help.

Don’t do something like “hey coworker Country List service doesn’t work as expected when I run command, can you help me?
Instead, do it like “hey, coworker. I need some advice. I’m working on a service now. I’ve done what I should but it looks like something is wrong. I read the documentation and couldn’t find the problem. Since you are more familiar with this topic, could you help me out when you are free.

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