More and more emails are open on mobile devices, which typically show a smaller number of characters. With this in mind. How to Determine you may wonder if your subject lines should be shorter to accommodate on-the-go subscribers. Is there a secret to the perfect subject line length? Every subscriber list is different, so the perfect subject line length depends on a variety of factors. But it’s possible to get insight into ideal lengths for your industry. Unlock those insights, and you’re bound to see increase engagement and performance from your marketing emails.

Which devices and clients your emails are being read on

When considering the subject line length that will work best for your marketing emails. Consider using data to pinpoint subscriber devices. Are most of your subscribers opening emails on mobile, or are they sticking to their desktop? Campaign Monitor users Australia WhatsApp number data can easily find this information in your Campaign Monitor account,. In the Campaign Reports section under Email Client Usage. This will help you optimize your subject line length. In this post, we’ll share some actionable tips for finding the correct email subject line length for your email marketing strategy. Here are some 2021 statistics for the top 10 email devices and client including market share:

How past subject lines have performed

Whatsapp Number List

It’s also a good idea to look at which subject lines have garnered high open rates in your past emails. High open rates can occur because of deals you were offering, the time of day, or the copy and sentiment in the subject line itself. Still, it’s worthwhile to take a look and see if any trends emerge from your email open rates and the length of the subject line.

Use different subject lines

If you use the same subject line over and over, it won’t excite your subscribers. So, rather than using “January 2021 company newsletter”, try to get more creative and encourage subscribers to open emails and see the latest and greatest information you Country List have to offer. Though this isn’t strictly relate to subject lines, it’s worth noting that using automation in your email strategy is bound to increase your engagement metrics. Even simple automation steps like a welcome journey are effective ways to grab your subscribers’ list at the time they’re most engaged. If you can play off of the timing or context of your automated email in your subject lines, then your results will only get better.

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