When it comes to a successful email marketing campaign, good subject lines can make all the difference. Subscribers will scan the subject lines of virtually every message you successfully get into their inbox, and many will make the decision to open those emails based on the subject line alone. Think for a moment about how hard it is to stop reading a single line of text in the middle. Once you start, you just can’t stop. That’s the power your subject line has over potential readers. Subscribers are more likely to see and absorb that one line more than any other part of your message. That gives it the chance to entice users to read the first line of inside copy.

How do you write a catchy email subject line?

The best email subject lines have a lot in common. By knowing and implementing these common factors, you’ll be able to easily craft creative email subject lines Canada WhatsApp number data to entice your subscribers to read more. From personalized subject lines to dynamic content to send time optimization, Campaign Monitor helps you build campaigns catered to every last subscriber.

Understand your audience

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Your audience determines the content you create. This goes for your headlines as well. By understanding your audience, you’ll know the kinds of words to use to draw them into your email. You can use tools to help you craft the best email subject lines for your audience. A number of them are free and easy to use, like Schedule’s Subject Line Tester. These tools will help you create email subject lines that improve open rates and reduce the chances of your email ending up in the spam box.

Split test

For every email you compose, create different variations of the subject line and test which one works best. Split testing, also called A/B testing, helps you increase the chances of using a subject line that moves your audience to action. Title case is great for Country List books, but it looks out of place for most subject lines. Most emails should be written to connect with people—and, for everyone but the Queen of England, that means a more conversational tone. Losing title case makes your email seem as though it’s coming from a friend.

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