Getting Started Guide to Google Data Studio: everything you need to know to create your first dashboard by Victor Campuzano | 13 May 2019 | Analytics for Growth | 12 Comments Hello hello! How are you? Good? I hope so! Get ready because today I bring you a complete, complete post about Google Data Studio . It turns out that I have been reviewing the posts I have written about Data Studio so far. On some occasions I had already told you about this tool, but I had not yet done a Google Data Studio tutorial as such (ains, Vic… you start the house with the roof). So today I have decided to prepare a tutorial and introductory guide to Google Data Studio to tell you what it is,
what it is for and
what it is for and how to use it. I would recommend that you watch the video that accompanies this post , which is where the chicha is. It is a very complete tutorial in which I create a Google Analytics dashboard from scratch so you can see industry email list Data Studio in action. Afterwards, if you feel like it, you can read the post for reference. How about? Should we give Data Studio a go? Go for it! table of Contents What is Google Data Studio and what is it for? Data Studio Features Advantages of using Google Data Studio Disadvantages of Data Studio Google Data Studio Basics Data sources Reports Graphics Interactivity This is the basics, but there is much more…
Templates for
Templates for Google Data Studio: where to find them and how to Country List use them Getting started tutorial on Google Data Studio in video How I use Google Data Studio My working method to get the most out of Google Data Studio What is Google Data Studio and what is it for? As you probably know if you follow this blog, Google Data Studio is Google’s free tool for representing and visualizing data in interactive reports . And you may be wondering