How much should you work on your website during a marketing campaign

A permanent online presence has become a necessity when it comes to making ourselves known. We have a clear example in online casinos (such as Ultra casino online ). They have learned to manage a much greater advertising reach since they focus their investment on placing ads. While the offering of their betting and entertainment

María Miras new Head of Advertising at popin

María Miras , new Head of Advertising at popin_ . With this incorporation, popin_ takes another step in its expansion strategy , promoting its transformation and growth plan focused on a creative and wellness communication environment. María will lead the innovation project in content & social, new digital channels (NFTs, Metaverse, virtual) and employer branding

Criticism piles up on Yolanda Díaz distributors and producers react

Criticism piles the reactions to Yolanda Díaz’s proposal regarding the prices of basic foods have not been long in coming: the food and distribution sector has already put its cards on the table. At the beginning of this week, the Minister of Labor and second vice president of the Government announced her desire to seek

ROI of SEO Consulting: Is It Worth the Investment?

Those that worked years ago ROI of are now unviable. Because there is already too much competition from other niche. Companies, because they have gone out of fashion or because. As in the case of the health sector. Google’s algorithms have eliminated them from the SERPs since the famous. Medical Update . . Recipes .

Negotiating SEO Consulting Rates: Tips and Tactics

If you don’t know where Negotiating SEO to start looking or simply don’t have inspiration, you can investigate possibilities starting from a horizontal website that touches on several topics. What we will do is examine the organic traffic of that website to find out which URLs have the most visits and which keywords are ranking

Digital marketing strategies

If we want to achieve certain objectives, there is only. Digital marketing one way: draw up a strategy. This is applicable to any area: business, personal, economic, etc. Even in love! When we want to win over someone, we draw up a strategy get her attention, start an informal. Conversation, have a first meeting. Until

This Old Marketing Example of the Week

Past surveys, respondents selected content marketing goals and metrics from a list. This includes goals like “Brand Awareness,” “Engagement,” and “Lead Generation,” as well as metrics like “Website Traffic” and “Sales Lead Quality.” and “sale”. And you know what? Almost every year, brand awareness was the number one goal and website traffic was the number

Will artificial intelligence be able to buy for us

If you have read any of my articles on artificial intelligence and more specifically on generative artificial intelligence (ChatGPT, Bard and similar), you already know that it is something that I find spectacular. But I think there is still time for this technology to start providing real value and much more for it to start

What is my marketing strategy during the summer

What is my Maybe it’s a bit exaggerated, but my feeling is that every year we waste an average of 3 months to grow our business. After that, and get ahead of our competition. Between summer, Christmas, Easter, long weekends, intensive days, etc. We spend much of the year starting. After that, and stopping. No,