Those that worked years ago ROI of are now unviable. Because there is already too much competition from other niche. Companies, because they have gone out of fashion or because. As in the case of the health sector. Google’s algorithms have eliminated them from the SERPs since the famous. Medical Update . . Recipes . There are too many niches and you will need a huge amount of traffic to make them profitable. Wikis, meanings, questions , etc. The CPC is low and in addition, many times Google already. Shows the answers directly in the SERPs. Downloads. If you try to set up niches with downloads of series, movies, music, etc. You even run the risk of running out of the page.

Have ROI of eliminated them from the SERPs since the famous Medical Update

How to do it, types of, properties of … Years ago they category email list gave a lot of money but now, obtaining the answers directly in the SERPs, users often no longer even click on the search results. Phrases . It is too exploited and in addition, there are almost no advertisers bidding for this sector. Health . Google’s Medical Update took over many niches on this topic in favor of specialized portals and with professionals from the sector behind them, something logical on the other hand. Once we have a list of ideas, it is time to continue with the keyword research process to check which of them may be viable and which are better to discard.

There are almost no advertisers bidding for this sector

Well, so you can see how keyword Country List research is done to search for Adsense niches, I am going to choose a long tail keyword related to bureaucratic procedures in Mexico: “check credit bureau.” This keyword is part of the list of niches that we offered to the SEOWarriors students who participated in the first edition of the Nichera Storm contest.

These are Call to Click niches, that is, websites in which the user is predisposed to perform an action within it and therefore is much more likely to click on the Adsense ads. Many times these types of niches are incredibly profitable with very few published URLs. Examples of this type of niches are: downloading applications, downloading a program, consulting procedures, applying for a scholarship.

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