How much should you work on your website during a marketing campaign

A permanent online presence has become a necessity when it comes to making ourselves known. We have a clear example in online casinos (such as Ultra casino online ). They have learned to manage a much greater advertising reach since they focus their investment on placing ads. While the offering of their betting and entertainment

Negotiating SEO Consulting Rates: Tips and Tactics

If you don’t know where Negotiating SEO to start looking or simply don’t have inspiration, you can investigate possibilities starting from a horizontal website that touches on several topics. What we will do is examine the organic traffic of that website to find out which URLs have the most visits and which keywords are ranking

Digital marketing strategies

If we want to achieve certain objectives, there is only. Digital marketing one way: draw up a strategy. This is applicable to any area: business, personal, economic, etc. Even in love! When we want to win over someone, we draw up a strategy get her attention, start an informal. Conversation, have a first meeting. Until

Will artificial intelligence be able to buy for us

If you have read any of my articles on artificial intelligence and more specifically on generative artificial intelligence (ChatGPT, Bard and similar), you already know that it is something that I find spectacular. But I think there is still time for this technology to start providing real value and much more for it to start

McDonald’s celebrates the premiere of Black Panther

The premiere of the, “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever comes with a campaign together. With McDonald’s , who celebrate the Black Panther film. Special edition of the “Happy Meal.” The spot has been created by creative agency DDB Chicago and celebrates children’s excitement when their favorite superhero looks like them. The classic children’s menu of the

Product Industry Mastery Starts Here

Finding the right influencers to collaborate with is Product Industry crucial for successful social media marketing campaigns. This section discusses strategies for identifying and reaching out to influencers on social media. It covers topics such as influencer research tools, evaluating influencer authenticity, And establishing mutually beneficial partnerships. Social Media Marketing for Travel. And Hospitality Businesses: Travel

Graphics Once we have our data

Graphics Once we have our data source connected to the report, we can start painting graphs in Data Studio. And as you know, those graphs will represent the information that comes from the data source that we are using. There are many types of graphs in Data Studio, but I am going to tell you