Graphics Once we have our data

Graphics Once we have our data source connected to the report, we can start painting graphs in Data Studio. And as you know, those graphs will represent the information that comes from the data source that we are using. There are many types of graphs in Data Studio, but I am going to tell you

Advantages of using Google Data Studio

Advantages of using Google .Data Studio Probably with what. I have told you you can already get an idea of ​​what the advantages of using .Data Studio are.But its main benefits are: It helps you take control of your project .Since it allows you to unify the data in a single strategic panel to have

Getting Started Guide to Google Data Studio: everything

Getting Started Guide to Google Data Studio: everything you need to know to create your first dashboard by Victor Campuzano | 13 May 2019 | Analytics for Growth | 12 Comments Hello hello! How are you? Good? I hope so! Get ready because today I bring you a complete, complete post about Google Data Studio