
How to put on braces step by step

When we analyze how the braces are put on, we must take into account both the previous steps and other subsequent functions that allow us to adjust the bracket to the teeth.

Nowadays it is possible to have an aesthetic smile through personalized orthodontic treatments, which align the teeth correctly and permanently. To achieve this, it is essential that the bracket placement process is correct and adapted to the conditions of each patient.

Next, we are going to analyze how the braces are placed and how long this process takes.

Step 1, teeth cleaning
Before starting the work of placing the bracket, it is essential to properly clean all the teeth. This process is carried out by cleaning the vestibular area of the tooth, that is, the anterior part, to eliminate any debris that could get between the piece itself and the bracket.

How long does it take to put on braces

This is the process in which we place the bracket on the tooth. How do you put your braces on? Once the area is prepar, we begin to cement the vestibular free telemarketing leads area that we have previously clean. The cementing process can be located in the anterior part in the case of traditional braces, and in the posterior part in the new invisible designs.

Each bracket has a different position and height, depending on the location of the piece itself. It is very important that the orthodontist correctly determines the position of each bracket, so that the alignment process adapts to the patient’s conditions.

The cement comes into contact with the bracket and acts as a permanent fixative. It is important to insist that each bracket has a different size, which adjusts to each tooth and the position we want it to occupy.
Once the bracket has been cement, we proce to place the orthodontic arches. The arches are the visible wires that will join each bracket, linked with rubber bands that we will change approximately every month.

Tips to keep your braces in good condition

Dental hygiene is essential in any circumstance, but especially when we wear braces. Take your time and take care of the hygiene of your teeth daily.
Diet is also an important factor in the care of braces. Avoid hard foods or foods that can stick to the arches, so that cleaning them is easier.
Always use dental floss. The dental floss or floss allows you to carry out a deep interdental cleaning, and also sanitizes the hard-to-access areas of the bracket.
Brushing should always be correct. Brush your teeth for at least three minutes three times a day, and of course, whenever you eat. In addition to cleaning Country List the tooth, it is also important that you clean the visible part of the bracket. Brushing is more effective with an electric toothbrush.
Always use mouthwash. Rinsing eliminates all the bacteria that accumulate in the mouth, and reinforces the cleaning we carry out with flossing and brushing.Checkups are also a fundamental part of orthodontic maintenance.

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