Another key action is to assign older employees a mentoring role due to their experience and the know-how they have of the processes in a given company , while young people contribute technological mastery for the sake of innovation. More Connect to In this sense, nekane rodríguez, general director of lee hecht harrison spain, has express that “it is important to know the characteristics of each generation, as this will allow us to manage people who have different aptitudes, expectations and nes in employment.” meanwhile, mónica contreras esper, general manager of pepsico for the andean territory – a company in which 53% of the employees are millennials – expresses that beyond generational differences, the employees of an organization understand that their priorities, nes and competencies

Am Not Doing That She

They must come together to achieve optimal results. It is evident that having workers from different generations will be a feature of many companies for a long time to come . And rather than considering whether their positions, visions and abilities can ever coincide, what should be taken advantage of is the opportunity b2b email list to form complementary teams , which, as has been demonstrat by various studies, are ideal for achieving achievements. Professor of the humanities department at our cajamarca headquarters, professor alindor bazán was the winner of the 2018 maestro who leaves a mark award with the proposal of a methodology that generates a virtuous community teaching-learning circle.

Concludes Along with the

b2b email list

The great aristotle said that a wise man not only knows the causes of an event in a specific field of research, but is also one who knows how to transmit his knowlge through teaching. At the beginning of the 20th century, the american philosopher and pagogue john dewey stat that “ucation is not preparation for life; ucation is life itself.” More Connect to two ideas that, despite the time that separates those who express Country List them, give us a clear idea of ​​the magnitude and significance of the ucational mission. Mission that alindor bazán, advisor to the curriculum management area at our cajamarca headquarters , develops with the conviction that “the teacher is a key actor in generating better people for our country.”

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