But if I’m a big advertiser, the search engine team will certainly offer me exclusive SEO tips, right?” Again, no. And let’s hear from Matt Cutts again: Summarizing what he is saying: question: if my business is losing visibility in organic search and I am a large advertiser, can I not receive SEO advice from my manager within Google? answer: no. Google’s goal is to be fair and not be susceptible to the power of advertisers. no matter how much bargaining power an advertiser, partner or client has, the Google Ads and quality control teams are separate. In this case, even if advertising managers ask engineers to offer exclusive advice, they are instructed to always deny these requests vehemently. So, it doesn’t matter if you are.
The advantages of advertising on Google
Mercado Livre and invest 100 million reais per month in Google Ads. For the quality team, which takes care of organic results, your website is just another one. Want to improve your results with Google Ads? Yes, your point of contact on the search engine can give you tips, consistent with your level of investment. Now, do you want advice on how to get more results with SEO? Be more visible in unpaid search? Use the same channels that everyone has access to, regardless of your bank account. The Google Webmasters special data YouTube channel , where we source Matt’s videos, is a good place to start. The advantages of advertising on Google As we have already preached in other articles here, advertising on.
Investment in content and website improvement
Google Ads can help, yes, but we will always prioritize the long term , that is, reconciling your advertising work with SEO work. Looking at Google Ads might be Country List a good strategy if: your website is new and not yet indexed; your company needs quick results, in less than 3 months; your product is seasonal; you need to jumpstart a launch or campaign quickly; your business cannot commit to the long term. Note that none of these reasons – perhaps with the exception of the last one – are an impediment to your company investing in SEO. As we said above, investment in organic search will have characteristics that are the opposite of routine advertisements: it takes longer to get results; demands investment in content and website improvement; needs long-term.