If you are an msp and you know you are one, you may find this first part of the article . Not very useful, although a refresher never hurts, especially if you are. Still at the beginning of this activity. If, however, you don’t know what an msp is. Don’t be discourag because you are definitely not alone. Even if you have been working in the it sector for a long time: many “It companies” are already an msp without knowing it! The manag service provider (msp) can be defin in various. Ways depending on the context and the interlocutor, but, in the world of smes. An it solutions provider is generally someone who offers. Telephone and remote help desk without limits:
MSP: a win-win model
Backup, security, monitoring, updates supplier management : software house, tlc. , hardware an important feature of the msp is that it offers all these services for a fix cost . Usually monthly, but it can also be quarterly or annually. Those who approach this model often view this with hesitation. But there are many reasons to change their minds. Msp: a win-win model by monitoring, maintaining latest database companies’ it infrastructure. And proactively resolving potential issues, an msp minimizes downtime. Of the client’s infrastructure and does so in mutual interest. On the one hand, your customers have the peace of mind of knowing that. When problems arise, they can call you as many times as they want without worrying about . Seeing costs rise, on the other hand, with the “Right activity” of network. Maintenance and control , you msp will work less , better and earn more !
The S in MSSP
Simply put, msp is a win-win model, but it’s not the only one offering manag services. In fact, there are some “variations”. Below we see the three main ones. The s in mssp the main difference between msp and mssp is very simple: it is Country List all in the s, I.E. In the “Safety” factor. Both msps and mssps are service providers. But they perform different roles: although many msps are expanding their cybersecurity capabilities. Their primary focus remains on supporting customers’ it nes, while that of the mssp. Is provide a high level of cybersecurity expertise. And service through constant monitoring and the use of proactive security strategies.