
This is Not the Only Landing Page Structure but It is One

Because, every business has its own characteristics and treatment. This structure may work for your business, but it may not work for your friend’s business.

However, in general, the landing page structure elements that we will discuss this time are widely use to create a landing page. You can just add or subtract elements that you may not embrace.

The headline is the very top of the landing page structure whose function is to attract the attention of your potential customers. When you succee in attracting the attention of a potential customer with an interesting headline, it is very likely that they will continue to view your landing page in more detail.

If in the News This Headline is Like the Title of the Article

When the title of the article is interesting, people will naturally be curious to read the article in its entirety.

Headlines themselves are usually made more striking than the others. For example using a large and bold Bolivia B2B List font size so that it is easier to read.

As for the subheadline itself, it is a brief explanation that is positione right below the headline.

If the headline functions to attract the attention of potential customers, the subheadline functions to explain a little about what they will get when using your product or service.

An Example as You Can See in the Image Above

B2C Email List

2. Social proof
Simply put, social proof is proof that the product or service you offer has been use or truste by many people. There are various forms of social proof.

For example, in the form of expert opinions, video interviews, number of users and clients, or you can also display the logos of Country List companies you have worke with. One example is as shown in the following image.

When you already have a lot of clients with a good reputation, that reputation will also have a good effect on your business.

However, if you don’t or don’t have a company that works together because you only sell products, you can display the number of users and the rating given by users of your product.

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