What is the current 2023 Godsend rate? Is it different from previous years if it is calculated based on the distance per km? Relax, you don’t need to worry. Even though the price of fuel for vehicles has increased, the Godsend fee is still affordable. Suitable for those of you who want to send goods with super fast, safe, timely and easy delivery. Moreover, how to check Godsend receipts can also be done directly through the Ojek application. Now, to find out the amount of Godsend shipping fees, see the latest note below.

What is the GoSend Tariff?

This policy is the same as setting shipping costs (postage) for ID Express. So, according to the Gojek.com page , the Godsend rate per KM will be charged(two thousand five hundred rupiahs) with a minimum first-time shipping fee of This means that the Godsend service fee must reach a minimum of  with a distance of IDR 2,500 per kilometer. If your distance Employment Agencies Email List is under 10 KM or less than  this minimum postage will be charged. In addition, you will also get insurance of up to IDR 10 million if you properly utilize Godsend services in accordance with applicable regulations. 2. List of Godsend postage rates After knowing the general Godsend rates, you also need to know the Godsend shipping costs for each distance traveled.

Examples of cases in the field

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If you want to know how to check Godsend postage, then you must download the Ojek application and update it to the latest version. Here’s how to check Godsend rates per KM in the Ojek app! Open the ojek application click. The godsend menu tariff godsend jakarta. Tangerang then choose an option. In town or out of town check godsend. Same day rates enter the delivery location or delivery. Destination bali go send fare enter. The recipient’s name, telephone be Country List a number. And select the type of package. You want to send click continue choose the type of package. Protection to keep the goods safe. What is the godsend rate fill in the sender. Details select the minimum weight of the item.

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