From these findings, the EMV Index was born. How to Write It’s essentially an algorithm that assesses how a group of words follows these emotional harmonics, and how likely they are to elicit an emotional response from a reader. So, in the context of email marketing, it can be use to assess how much of an emotional response a particular set of words (like a subject line) will generate.

Do you find it difficult to write great email subject lines?

Although there are a number of subject line formulas that can help, it can be hard to know if what you’re writing is really resonating with your audience and compelling them to open your emails. That’s why, when we learned that headlines with a high Cambodia WhatsApp number data Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) increased conversions, we wanted to dissect the process and share it with you. So, in this post, we’ll show you how to use the EMV Index to improve your email subject lines and increase your open rates.

What is the EMV Index?

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Back in the ’60s and ’70s, government research scholar Dr. Hakim Chishti was studying the roots of several languages including Persian, Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, and Urdu. In his research, he found that there are basic underlying harmonics in language that are always interpret with the same “emotional” reactions. While the meaning of a set of words can be mistaken, the sound tones made when those words are said in a sentence are always interpret the same way in our emotional response. A perfect EMV Index score would be 100% but that’s rare, unless your subject line is quite short. A good score would rank anywhere from 40% to 75%.

How does EMV vary from other subject line methods?

With so many creation and testing tools for subject lines, what makes the EMV method different from other subject line creation methods? Pushes emotional buttons Country List Research has proven that people don’t buy into a product for logical reasons. Often times, a buying decision is influenced by emotions. If, as a marketer, you’re able to push the right emotional buttons (or triggers) in your target audience, it becomes easier for you to sell.

What does this have to do with your subject lines?

Subject lines that tug at the heart are more likely to lead to higher conversion rates than those that don’t stir a reader’s emotions. Below is an example of an emotionally charge subject line that elicits a click: Subject lines that tug at the heart are more likely to lead to higher conversion rates than those that don’t stir a reader’s emotions. Below is an example of an emotionally charge subject line that elicits a click:  Everyone craves to be inspire to excel at what they do. That’s exactly the need the headline above is promising to meet. A reader’s response would be to immediately open the email to find out the secret to supercharged writing.

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