Characters Mention contributors and others Mentions are a key ingrient in social mia posts because they immiately make them visible to people who may share them. Adding contributor quotes to your articles (like this one) make your content better make marketing more fun and gives you someone to mention on social mia when the article goes live. I highly recommend any form of collaborative content marketing. ProTip! Post the social mia video a few days after the article first goes live. That gives you the opportunity to thank (and

Mention people

Who already comment or shar it. The video itself will do wonders for your click through rates but the formatting and mentions are important too. If you ne ideas check out these social mia post examples. 9. Promote the social mia video/post Now that the post is live it’s very helpful to jumpstart b2b leads the conversation by sending it to a few people right away. This helps trigger the algorithms that push the video to the top of the social streams. Take a minute to get the word out by sharing the link of the social mia post itself. Here’s how

To grab that

Link and send them directly to the social post. Here are a few quick ways to share it with close colleagues who may give it a quick like comment or share… Email to a few close friends Share it within a relevant private group Post it  Country List in an internal Slack board Google Chat …or the person sitting next to you If they’re truly close friends the request will be very short. “Super quick favor! Could you please take a look at this post and like it or comment if you think it’s deserving. Thanks buddy!” If you really want to throw gas on the fire there

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