
To measure the results using

Are tools that make it easy for your internal team to amplify any social post. GaggleOpens a new window and or the LinkIn “My Company”Opens a new window are two of the biggies. You can’t require your team to promote the brand from their personal accounts but some may be happy to especially if they were involv in the content. Keep engaging on the post by replying to all comments. The social platform will put the post in more people’s social streams if it has strong engagement especially comments. So if a question appears in

Answer tagging

Comment go big in your anyone who may be interest. Time out …this entire idea sounds crazy Yes I’m suggesting  business email list making commercials for articles. I’m suggesting sending emails to promote the videos that promote the content that promotes your business. It does sound crazy. Things us to be so much simpler didn’t they? It’s very indirect. Very meta. But it’s effective. It’s an excellent way to do marketing. Content is a great way to promote a business. Social video is a great way to promote content. And directly sharing the

Video with close

Friends is a great way to promote the social mia video. 10. Measure the impact in GA4 Time to measure the impact. There are two places to see how we did the analytics in the social platform  Country List and the data in Google Analytics (GA4) The social network will show you the number of likes comments shares and views. But keep in mind that a “view” in social mia is a video playing for just three seconds. They may have just slow down a little bit as they scroll past. Social metrics aren’t really what we’re looking for. The campaign tracking code

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