Tips from 9 specialists for making ads on the internet. Companies look for professionals who know about SEM strategies and advertising on Facebook, Instagram and websites, but doing it well is not always easy. We have spoken with 9 Online Marketing specialists to tell us their secrets and thus together create a guide to good practices when creating campaigns and advertisements on the Internet.
Google AdWords is much more than the search network
Google AdWords is much more than the search network. It is a complete online marketing suite that offers us great possibilities beyond text ads on the search network. In this case I am going to talk to you about remarketing email contact list but, rather than talking about remarketing ad recommendations, I would like to show you a strategy that you can apply whenever you offer more than one main product or service. This is cross-sell remarketing .
The metric that you should set as Insight will be the CTR
The metric that you should set as Insight will be the CTR. The first thing to keep in mind and keep in mind when creating any advertisement is that its main purpose is to attract attention and receive that expected click from users. If you keep it in mind you will be successful. For this reason, the Country List metric that you should set as Insight will be the CTR or percentage of times that your ad is clicked on with respect to the total number of times it has been shown.