Urely you are familiar with the word bug , right? In various gadget discussions, bugs are often referred to as the cause of system errors and damage. So what are bugs? Is the bug only on cellphones? Hmm actually, bugs are also quite well known by programmers, you know. Within the scope of software development , bugs are also known to often interfere with the process of running a software. What do you think causes many people to feel irritated by the presence of bugs? Then, where do bugs come from? To be able to answer it, let’s look at the following review.

What Are Bugs?

Bug is an English word that means small insect. That’s about what is meant by a bug . The term bug means small-scale technical damage that disrupts the running process of a program. Initially, this term originated from the experience of a technician named Grace Hopper. When Grace was developing computer technology, she encountered obstacles Local and Suburban Passenger Transport Email Lists and said that one of the causes of her project’s failure was the presence of bugs or insects in computer components. Since then, the term bug has been used to describe technical glitches in a computer system. Until now, the term bug is still being used to describe various technical defects in the field of software development. The presence of a bug prevents the application from functioning normally.

Causes of Bugs

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You already know a little what a bug is, right ? Now the question is, where do bugs come from? The following are some of the most common causes of bugs: Bad communication . Both website and program development involve many parties and are a long process. In its development, each party needs to communicate properly so that technical errors do not occur. There are technical errors that are not detected and instead cause interference with other features or the program fails to operate. Rushed testing . Development processes that are rushed, incomplete, or not according to standard procedures can cause bugs to appear. This is due to abe Country List a small technical error that was overlooked in the testing process, affecting other system components and causing damage. Error code in complex program . The more complex a software, the higher the potential for bugs to appear.

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