Easy basic English with videos

Free easy English course where you will learn common English vocabulary and expressions through videos that will allow you to handle different situations. You will be able to learn how to ask for directions in English, the most commonly used greetings, how to tell time in English and much more, such as the Story Time

Tools to manage projects and teamwork

Hard months of work usually come after the summer holidays. It is practically the last push until the end of the year, at which time it will be necessary to take stock and measure whether the objectives have been achieved. At this point in the year you have no choice but to improve your productivity,

Anatomy of blog posts that work successful vs invisible content

In one of our content marketing surveys , 70% of marketers measure. The performance of their content by traffic, 30% by the number of shares it has been shared, and 31% by backlinks earned. However, it is interesting to find out what content features can help increase. Anatomy of blog Visits and make blog articles

Send images from the Internet quickly

Easy and quick installation (It will allow you to discover its potential in just a few steps) You can have your favorite messaging app on different devices. Writing on a computer is much faster in general than on a Smartphone. The conversations are updated at all times on any of the computers on which you

Send files from your computer to your mobile and vice versa

I’m not going to go into detail now about what type of information and content you should add to each of these pages, because Claudio would throw me to the lions when he saw a post of 20,000 words, so that’s for another post. How to make an attractive website. Not everyone is going to

Read messages without the other person knowing

Listen to as I told you. Look at a few: Web hosting. Tools to design your website. Marketing tools. Management tools. Now that you have written down everything and know how to focus your business, let’s get into the web.it would be very interesting if you first organized the information that you are going to

You can use two WhatsApp accounts on the same computer

I want to sell to everyone” . If you go there, FAIL! You shouldn’t want to sell to. Advantages of everyone, because if you approach it that way, you won’t be able to truly locate your audience and segment them appropriately. And associated with “SMART . And no, You can it’s not a car. SMART

Richard Branson biography of the founder of Virgin

Branson considers the ability and desire to communicate with people the secret of his success. These abilities manifested themselves quite early: at the age of sixteen, due to learning problems – Richard suffered from dyslexia – he left school in his native Blackhead and started publishing his own Student magazine. Fortunately, the Branson family did