In general, a cash account is a facility provided by a company to its .Employees to take half of their wages in advance. Only then at the end of the month. The nominal wage previously taken.  Some stall owners still think that this kind of thing can make a business lose money. Especially if customers are often late paying off debts. Manage business finances what causes customers to often ask for kasbon. In general, the reason why customers ask for kasbon is due to the customer’s .Unfavorable financial condition, so . Customers try to take advantage if the skipper can provide cashbon. Loyal customers who often shop at the skipper’s business can also be another strong reason. To be able to help skippers, here are some interesting anti-crashing tips.

You can explain that the purchase

Give customers other alternatives that can make them feel satisfied. For example, you can offer discounts or other promotions available at the time.  This will help avoid customers who continue to request purchase bonuses in an impolite manner. Provide good service to customers. Customers who feel valued and acknowledged are. More likely to Paper Products Manufacturers Email List be satisfied with their purchase even if they don’t receive a purchase bonus. Tell customers that you value their feedback and suggestions.

This will help customers feel valued

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But also understand that you can’t give a purchase bonus every time. If yosu’re willing to give your grocery store a “feature” of debt, there are a few rules you can apply to avoid losses. Including the following: Determine the maximum nominal debt perperson. (example: IDR 50,000) Determine the due date for repayment. (example: one week) Make sure to make consequences if the customer pays off the debt past the specified due date. Also make surebe Country List a both parties record the debt to avoid conflict. Determine what items can and cannot be loaned. Xamplegroceries can be borrowed, cigarettes cannot) So now that you know how to get anti-bonding tips for business, don’t forget to also use the BukuWarung application.

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